Join eTED

How to Join

To join ACTE and Georgia ACTE and Georgia eTED, you can visit ACTE Online or complete the membership form

Send it and payment to ACTE, P.O. Box 758621, Baltimore MD 21275.

Membership Classes

A. Professional Members--Any individual involved in teaching or administering programs for/about engineering and technology education in an academic institution may become a member by the payment of dues. As a unified state, full payment of ACTE, GACTE, and Georgia eTED dues is required.

B. Associate Members-- Any individual interested in furthering the purpose of the Division may become a member by the payment of dues. This option represents corporations or business/industry and the military.

C. Retired Members – Any individual retired from engineering and technology education who retired from active employment and have been a GACTE member for at least one (1) year.

D. Student Members--Future engineering and technology education teachers who are enrolled in the teacher-training programs of the public and private colleges or universities of Georgia, upon payment of the annual dues set by the Division.

E. Honorary Membership--Any individual who has made a significant contribution to education for/about engineering and technology education may be elected to lifetime honorary membership in the Division by the Executive Board.
